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Fireflies in the Mist
Every once in a while comes a book that is a crossover from one form of writing to another, or a combination of different forms. The late Qurratulain Hyder's Fireflies in the Mist is made up of well-researched prose and a riveting narrative technique interspersed with poetic lines of infinite beauty. The dark years of Indian history, from the uprising of 1857 and Partion in 1947 to the changing face of Pakistan in the early 1970s, have been dealt with in a manner that touches the reader deeply, yet, without sentimentality.
—- Indian Express, , June 2008
Her words have a cutting edge that was rare even among the literary community she graces for many a decade. She was many a things to many people in the Urdu world, but principally, she was a woman who carried on the good, even intrepid things, started by the likes of Manto…Often in translation, the soul is lost, even as the gist is retained. This time, the readers are saved that agony because it comes from the author herself. Annie Apa, as Aamer Hussein says in the introduction, wrote, and how! Others could write. Who likh sakte hain. Annie Apa, named after an Iranian poet, wrote. 'Who likhti thi'.
—- The Hindu May 2008
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