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Shifting Body Politics: Gender, Nation, State in Pakistan
“[Shifting Body Politics is concerned with] the issue of democracy and its links to feminist interventions and agendas. Rouse holds democracy…as an operation of class, gender and ethnic intersections and wrenches it away from its usual identification with the modernist programme of nation building…The history of Muslim nationalism, the history of feminist mobilization and gender politics are intertwined quite evidently with that of the impetuses that went into the formation of the state of Pakistan…[Rouse’s work] is as much about feminist discourse and its exclusions as it is about tracing the discursive trends concerning the body politic of Pakistan…[Discussing the] genealogy of the state [she argues that] the struggle over citizenship is waged over the body of the woman and has consequently resulted in extreme modes of controlling the woman’s body…Addressing feminists, [Rouse] bids them to look at the meaning of citizenship and of the state itself and issues of democracy in a comprehensive fashion without which in her view women’s struggles are bound to fail.”
—The Book Review; May-June, 2004
  Gender & Caste Feminism in India South Asian Masculinities:
Context of Change,
Sites of Continuity
Killing Days:
Prison Memoirs
No Woman’s Land:
Women from Pakistan, India
& Bangladesh Write on the
Partition of India