SHALOM INDIA HOUSING SOCIETY Esther David Rs 250 Pb 2007 81-88965-09-X (US, Canadian and French rights sold. All others available.)
Shalom India Housing Society is a fictional place in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Set in 2002, after the communal carnage that took place post-Godhra, it revolves around the dilemmas of the last of the Bene Israeli Jews in the city.
Should they leave? Should they continue to stay in India? Do they belong to Israel, their spiritual fatherland or to India, their motherland? Strongly rooted in Ahmedabad, the shadow of the recent violence and of the Arab-Israeli conflict in Israel brings home the vulnerability of a miniscule community, already shrinking rapidly.
ESTHER DAVID, is the author of The Walled City, Book of Esther; By the Sabarmati; Book of Rachel; and My Father's Zoo and She has edited an anthology of stories about the Gujarat earthquake in 2001 and has co-authored a book , India's Jewish Heritage: Ritual, Art and Life Cycle. Her work is translated into French and Gujrati and is part of the library of Modern Jewish Literature, Syracuse University Press, New York. She belongs to a Bene Israel Jewish family of Ahmedabad and grew up in a zoo created by her father. .