Das, Samir Kumar & Rada Ivekovic |
Terror, Terrorism, States & Societies: A Historical & Philosopher Perspective |
Rs 595 Hb 2010 81-88965-56-1 (Available)
David, Esther |
Shalom India Housing Society: a novel |
Rs 250 Pb 2007 81-88965-09-X (Available) |
de Mel, Neloufer & Selvy Thiruchandran |
At the Cutting Edge: Essays in Honour of Kumari Jayawardena |
Rs 450 Hb 2007 81-88965-37-5 (Available)
Dehejia, Vidya (Ed.) |
Representing the Body: Gender issues in India’s art |
Rs 230 Hb 1997 81-85107-32-7 (Out of stock)
Deshpande, Gauri |
Deliverance: a novel
Rs 225 Pb 2011 81-88965-63-4 (Available)
Devi, Jyotirmoyee |
The River Churning: A Partition novel |
Rs 150 Pb 2005 81-88965-24-3 (Available) |
Dhanda, Meena (Ed.) |
Reservations For Women
Rs 600 Hb 2008 81-88965-41-3 (Out of stock) |