JUST BETWEEN US: WOMEN SPEAK ABOUT THEIR WRITING Ammu Joseph, Vasanth Kannabiran,Volga, Ritu Menon & Gouri Salvi (Eds.) Rs 350 Pb 2004 81-88965-15-4 (All rights available)
The interviews in this volume are the outcome of a series of workshops held with women writers during 1999-2001, on the question of gender-based censorship and related issues. Nearly 200 writers from 10 Indian languages met to talk about the circumstances in which they write and in which they are read and write about. They represented a true cross-section of society in terms of location, age, caste, community or religion, and genre; as the discussions progressed they unfolded a rich tapestry of experience and insight across languages and regions; gender and genre; caste and community. The 18 writers in this anthology are among the best known and best loved writing in India today. As each one speaks of her own work with rare candour and transparent sincerity, she also subtly illuminates the particular context in which she writes. This counterpointing of
the personal and political, the private and public, and the literary and social makes for accounts that are, at once, most unusual yet deeply moving.
Featured here are Shashi Deshpande, Sara Joseph, Jeelani Bano, Imtiaz Dharker, Alka Saraogi, Bani Basu, Gauri Deshpande, Vaidehi, Neelesh Raghuwanshi, Manisha Joshi, Shahjahana, Githa Hiranyan, Rajani Parulekar, B.M. Zuhara, Varsha Adalja, Sugatha Kumari, Maitreyi Pushpa, Jupaka Subhadra In association with Women’s WORLD (India) and Asmita (Hyderabad). |