GENDER & CASTE Anupama Rao (Ed.) Rs 325 Pb 2005 81-88965-20-0 (UK & US rights sold. All others available.)
Gender & Caste brings together important texts published, for the most part, in the last decade. This collection, the first in the series, serves as a succinct account of the caste/gender discourse, noting the theoretical tendencies that frame scholarship in the area. This volume makes explicit the ways in which Dalit women’s movements have contributed to unique feminist positions that are inadequately represented within mainstream Indian feminism. Brahminical patriarchy stigmatises Dalit women for their caste position; the oppression is compounded by the control of sexuality and labour power by men of their own caste. The exclusionary politics of mainstream Indian feminism has, for long, rendered this undercurrent invisible. |
ANUPAMA RAO is Associate Professor, Department of History at Barnard College, Columbia University, and Senior Editor,Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.Her research and teaching interests are in the history of anti-colonialism; gender and sexuality studies; caste and race; historical anthropology, social theory, and colonial genealogies of human rights and humanitarianism. She is the author of The Caste Question (2009). |
… invaluable evidence of the materiality and symbolic power of identity categories… a model of critical feminist thinking… |
—Antoinette Burton University of Illinois
… with theoretical insight this book raises hard political questions about Dalit women while presenting the scandalizing voices of pain that make us feel the urgency of such questions. |
—Lila Abu- Lughod Columbia University