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Vandana Shiva, , a physicist and philosopher of science by training, is a world-renowned environmental theorist and activist. She is Director of the Research Foundation for Science and Ecology, Dehradun., India and a leader in the International Forum on Globalization. She is the author of Globalization's New Wars: Seed, Water and Life Forms (2005), a recent title in Women Unlimited's series Feminist Fine Print, and Minding Our Lives: Women from the South and North Reconnect Ecology and Health (Kali for Women, 1994). She is also the author of the classic. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development in India (Kali for Women, 1988), The Violence of the Green Revolution, Ecology and the Politics of Survival, Stolen Harvest and Patents: Myths and Reality. Vandana Shiva was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize.
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