Latest Titles |
A Pandemic and the
Politics of Life
Ranabir Samaddar
Rs.450 Pb pp.226
Written during an intense time, this monograph closely follows the progress of the virus, focusing on three themes: (i) the outbreak as an epidemiological crisis compounded by an economic crisis, a migrant crisis, and a political crisis; (ii) the presence of the marching migrant as the figure of this crisis; and (iii) the emergence of bio-politics from below as a reaction of the lower classes.
The Collectors' Chughtai
Her Choicest Stories
Ismat Chughtai
Rs.675 Pb pp.xx+362
In this selection of stories from one of Urdu's best and boldest feminist writers we move through the chawls, havelis, mosques and villages of India, meeting characters from all classes of society.
Why I am
not a
hindu woman:
a personal story
Wandana Sonalkar
Rs.350 Pb pp.175
In a reasoned critique of Hindutva and Hinduism, feminist scholar and activist, Wandana Sonalkar outlines why she, born female and upper caste in Maharashtra, has repudiated her religious identity.
Can You
Kashmiri Women Speak?
Narratives of Resistance and Resilience
Kaul & Ather Zia(Eds)
Rs.795 Hb pp.234+xviii
terms Kashmiri Pandit, Kashmiri Muslim, Kashmiri men and Kashmiri
women, when used in public discourse perform distinct functions. This
volume initiates the reader into a complex understanding of Kashmiri
women’s life-worlds, in the context of protracted civil conflict and
military occupation.
Excerpt from the book
the changing contours of feminist organising in post-1990s India
Rs.650 Pb pp.273
1990s were a turning point for the Indian Women's Movement (IWM). New
challenges complicated old issues, affecting our analyses and our
strategies for mobilising. Feminists were pushed into questioning the
universal category of 'woman', by women from minority communities and
marginalised castes or sexualities, or by those with disabilities.
Social Media
Gender, Caste, Protest, Solidarity
Biswas & Atig Ghosh (Eds)
Rs.600 Pb pp.238
media produces numerous spaces and opportunities, globally, for people
to link up, reach out, mobilise, assert their identity, build
bridges... For those on the margins, this virtual alternative enables
them to break down otherwise impenetrable social barriers and form
close-knit digifams.
at the Flood
a memoir of a political life
Rs.375 Pb pp.182
Kannabiran, noted feminist, activist, and writer gathers the many
strands of her "helter-skelter" life to pen a feminist memoir that
recounts not only the milestones in her own journey, but the life and
times of a country in flux.
Drop of Blood
The Story of Karbala
from the original Urdu by Tahira Naqvi
Rs. 575 Pp 440
Drop of Blood is Chughtai's passionate retelling of the timeless
tale of the life of Imam Husain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, from
the early days spent in Rasulullah's company, up to the epic, bloody
Battle of Karbala, in which their small army of family and friends
clashed with the savage forces of Yazid, the reigning Caliph.
& Bar Girls
Caste in Mumbai's Dance Bars
Rs.595 Pp 252
16, 2005, the Maharashtra government summarily banned dancing by bar
girls in Mumbai's 1,250 dance bars. The amended Bombay Police Act
prohibited dancing in any establishment where alcohol was served, but
the prohibition was selective: five star hotels, clubs and upscale
discothèques were exempt.
Doctor and Mrs A.
and Counter-Ethics in an Indian Dream Analysis
Rs.675 Pp 241 HB
A.’, ill at ease in her marriage and eager for personal and national
freedom, sat down with psychiatrist, Dev Satya Nand, for an experiment
in his new method of dream analysis.
by Choice
unmarried women!
Sharma (Ed.)
Rs. 275 Pp 157 PB
is near universal in India. For women, like it or not, marriage and
motherhood become their career ‘choices’. Families, society, peer
groups, young girls, themselves, are so conditioned as to make the
inevitability of marriage, the desirable norm.

Ship of Sorrows
translated from the original Urdu by Saleem Kidwai.
Rs. 550 Pb. Pp. 316
the heart of Ship of Sorrows is a group of young friends, men
and women, Hindu and Muslim, living in Lucknow on the cusp of Indian
Independence. Like the rest of the country, their lives are in turmoil.
As the certainties of an old order begin fraying and the prospect of
division becomes inevitable, they are confronted with having to make
the kind of decisions that their hitherto carefree, privileged lives
had not required.

Effects of Living
An Anthology of Voices on
Mental Health
Breckenridge and Namarita Kathait
Rs.299 Pb Pp.299
are different sizes of bodies. There are different shades of mind.
There are different states of mind in distress. Side Effects of Living
presents the words and verses of survivors, writers, poets and artists,
who are struggling with a mental condition or have watched their loved
ones suffer.

Oneness vs. the 1%
shattering illusions,
seeding freedom
Kartikey Shiva 97893-85606-18-2
Rs. 350 Pb. Pp. 190
poverty and malnutrition, an alarming refugee crisis, social unrest,
economic polarisation... have become our lived reality as the top 1' of
the world's seven-billion-plus population pushes the planet—and all its
people—to the social and ecological brink.
Interviews with
Contemporary Women Writers
from Tamil Nadu
Srilata & Swarnalatha Rangarajan
Rs.375 Pb pp.210+xx
unique anthology presents the experiences and views of seventeen
contemporary Tamil women writers whose works explore the implications
of being female in Tamil Nadu today, in serious and playful ways.
Challenging the rigid, polarising binaries of the 'inner feminine', or
aham, and the ‘outer masculine’, or puram, prevalent in classical
Sangam literature.
About Women Unlimited
Women Unlimited,
a non-profit trust, is an associate of Kali for Women, India?s first
and oldest feminist press, estd. 1984. We publish scholarly and
academic books in the social sciences; fiction; general interest
non-fiction; autobiography and memoirs; books for young adults;
pamphlets and monographs; and activist material. We explore new issues,
anticipate trends, develop new perspectives and offer the best of
feminist scholarship, activist material and creative writing, in India
and South Asia, at affordable prices.
Our authors include pioneering
feminist scholars and activists in South Asia and abroad, among whom
are Paola Bacchetta, Srilatha Batliwala, Kamla Bhasin, Neloufer de Mel,
Geeta Patel, Indira Jaising, Kumari Jayawardena, Ananya Kabir, Kalpana
Kannabiran, Nivedita Menon, Fatima Mernissi, Martha Nussbaum, Sara
Paretsky, Rajeswari Sunder Rajan, Shahnaz Rouse, Rubina Saigol, Zohra
Segal, Vandana Shiva and Romila Thapar; and the finest creative writers
including Bama, Ismat Chughtai, Esther David, Gauri Deshpande, Mridula
Garg, Sunetra Gupta, Feryal Ali-Gauhar and Qurratulain Hyder.
In 2012 we initiated a
major new series called Arabesque, presenting the best writing from
West Asia, one of the most exciting regions and literatures in the
world. Our authors include Suad Amiry, Hoda Barakat, Haifa Zangana,
Jean Makdisi, Raja Shehadeh, Karma Nabulsi, Mourid Barghouti, Susan
Abulhawa, Lila Abu-Lughod, Adania Shibli, Mischa Hiller, and others.
Writing prose, fiction, poetry, autobiography and memoir, they offer a
glimpse into the lives and literatures of countries and societies on
the brink of change.
Our books are
co-published by Cappelan (Norway), Neri Pozza (Italy), New Directions
(US), Oxford University Press (Pakistan), Philippe Picquier (France),
Rutgers University Press (US), Spinifex (Australia), The Feminist Press
(US), Pluto (UK), Interlink (US), and many others, ensuring
international exposure to our authors.
Women Unlimited is a
founding member of a unique experiment in distribution, the Independent
Publishers? Distribution Alternatives (Delhi); as well as a member of
the Alliance of Independent Publishers (Paris), an international
network publishing in five major languages: English, French, Arabic,
Spanish and Portuguese.