SHIFTING BODY POLITICS: GENDER, NATION, STATE IN PAKISTAN Shahnaz Rouse Rs 200 Hb 2004 81-88965-03-0 (Pakistani rights sold. All others available)
The three essays in this volume explore the changing parameters of struggles over gender in Pakistan. In the process, the author attempts to theoretically traverse the boundaries between public and private domains, the State and what is often referred to as 'civil society', the individual and the collective, and the local and the international through a discussion of sovereignty and citizenship; the growing nexus between militarism, masculinism and fundamentalism; and the rapid shrinking of democratic spaces in the country. |
SHAHNAZ ROUSE teaches Sociology at Sarah Lawrence College, New York. She is the author of various articles on women, religion, nationalism and the State which have been published in South Asia, the Middle East, and the US. Her work has been translated into Bangla, French and Arabic. She is co-author with Cynthia Nelson, of Situating Globalization: Views from Egypt (2000). |