UNMAKING WAR, REMAKING MEN Kathleen Barry Rs 550 Hb 2012 81-88965-71-5
One day on a beach Kathleen Barry witnessed an accidental death. The people on the beach — strangers until that moment — were drawn together by the event through empathy. Out of that experience came questions for the author: what is the value of human lives? How do we make interconnections through relationship and shared consciousness? In Unmaking War, Remaking Men, Kathleen Barry examines the experiences of soldiers in training and combat as well as their victims, through a politics of empathy. By revealing how men's lives are made expendable for combat, she shows how military training drives them into blinding macho states in war, to kill without thinking, only to suffer both trauma and loss of their own souls. |
KATHLEEN BARRY Professor Emerita of Penn State University, is a feminist activist and sociologist. She is the author of five books. Her first book, Female Sexual Slavery, launched an international movement against traffic in human beings. |