ENGENDERING HUMAN SECURITY: FEMINIST PERSPECTIVES Thanh-Dam Truong, Saskia Wieringa, Amrita Chhachhi (Eds.) Rs 450 Hb 2006 81-88965-25-1 (US & UK rights sold. All others available.)
This books combines a feminist materialist analysis of gender relations with a feminist post-modern approach to gender representation and cultural construction. The former approach insists on structural commonality and continuity with regard to the material significance of sexuality, care and work for a full understanding of women’s human conditions and social position; the latter resists over-generalization and argues for a localized understanding of the ever-changing interplay between structures of state, gender, ethnicity and women’s social identity. A combination of the two approaches makes for a rich account of the current transformation of the gendered conditions of human security at both levels: societal and quotidian. It also bridges an analysis of culture with politics and economics and integrates an analysis of class with citizenship and other dimensions of gender identity.
THANH-DAM TRUONG Associate Professor in Women, Gender and Development Studies at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, is one of the first scholars to have provided an academic analysis of the problem of sex tourism. She has been translated into several languages and has published widely on other subjects such as human trafficking and organised crime, gender and transition in Vietnam in other areas, and gender and human security. |
SASKIA WIERINGA is director of the International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement in Amsterdam and an affiliated senior researcher at the University of Amsterdam. She has written or (co) edited 14 books, including two books of fiction and numerous scholarly articles, mainly on the women's movement, sexuality and gender planning. She is the President of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society. |
AMRITA CHHACHHI is Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, The Hague. Her research interests are gender, labour, poverty and socio-economic restructuring; citizenship, social protection and human security with particular reference to the labour market and social policies and gender, culture and globalisation. She has written several books and papers on these subjects. |