SEXUALITIES Nivedita Menon (Ed.) Rs. 500 Hb 2007 81-88965-30-8 (UK & US rights sold. All others available.)
While sexual violence is an area that is well mapped by feminist scholarship, this volume will focus on transgressive and/or marginalized sexualities. It will bring together writings on India that have highlighted the transgression of norms—of heterosexuality, of feminine and masculine behaviour, of recognizably gendered bodies, that declare ungoverned desire to be illegitimate. Also included is a section of select documents from different sexuality movements in the country. |
NIVEDITA MENON is Professor at the Centre for Comparative Politics & Political Theory School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. She has published widely on feminism; her most recent book is Seeing like a Feminist (2012). |