THE VIOLENCE OF NORMAL TIMES: ESSAYS ON WOMEN'S LIVED REALITIES Kalpana Kannabiran (Ed.) Rs 500 Hb 2005 81-88965-06-5 (All rights available)
This volume attempts to look at the experience and articulation of violence against women in relation to feminist debates and organising on the issue, and the positive/ negative responses to that articulation, particularly from the standpoint of law and the institutional apparatuses of the State. Its several essays focus on everyday settings: from justice dispensed by traditional authorities to modern courtrooms; domestic spaces; a home for mentally disabled women in Pune; a factory in Tamil Nadu. Moving from the routine to the extraordinary, the essays analyse the spectrum of violence against women that covers witch-hunting in adivasi communities; the structural adjustment programmes and economic violence; violence against sexual minorities; and against women of religious and ethnic minorities. Read together, these essays expose the extent of systemic violence against women in India, a
violence so routinised that everyday forms of it slide into the gross and macabre in a seamless continuum.
KALPANA KANNABIRAN is currently Director, Council for Social Development, Hyderabad. She is a founder member of Asmita Resource Centre for Women, and was part of the founding faculty at NALSAR University of Law. With Vasant Kannabiran, she has co-authored De-Eroticising Assault: Essays on Modesty, Honour and Power (2000), and translated from the original Tamil, , Web of Deceit, a novel by Muvalur A. Ramamirthammal (2003). She was awarded the VKRV Rao Prize in Social Science Research in 2003, and the Amartya Sen Award for Distinguished Social Scientists in 2012. Her most recent book is Tools of Justice: Non Discrimination and the Indian Constitution (2012). |