ERASURE OF THE EURO-ASIAN: RECOVERING EARLY RADICALISM AND FEMINISM IN SOUTH ASIA Kumari Jayawardena Rs.475 Hb 2009 81-88965-40-5 (All rights available)
There is increasing interest today in the fusion of cultures and hybridity, highlighted by the success of Barack Obama, the President-elect of the United States, of mixed African-American parentage. This book, focuses on the interaction between Asia and Europe in the wake of Portuguese, Dutch, French and British imperialism. It emphasises the vanguard role of the Euro-Asian communities in South Asia, the Burghers, Anglo-Indians and Eurasians, in struggles for democratic rights, long before colonial conditions were ripe for radical social and political change. With their utopian vision of a future democratic society, they agitated for widespread reforms such as worker and peasant rights, early radicalism, proto-nationalism, secularism and gender equality. Jayawardena brings the path-breaking efforts of these Euro-Asian pioneers from the footnotes of history into the main text, asks why their
contributions have been 'hidden from history' and suggests that the obsession with 'purity' of race, both in South Asia and Europe, led to erasing the importance of this radical intelligentsia of mixed origin. |
KUMARI JAYAWARDENA is the author of The Rise of the Labour Movement in Ceylon; Ethnic and Class Conflict in Sri Lanka; Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World; The White Woman’s Other Burden; and Nobodies to Somebodies—the Rise of the Colonial Bourgeoisie in Sri Lanka. She is a former Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Colombo, where she now teaches in the post-graduate Women's Studies Programme. |