PEACE WORK: WOMEN, ARMED CONFLICT AND NEGOTIATION Radhika Coomaraswamy and Dilrukshi Fonseka (Eds.) Rs 375 Hb 2004 81-88965-08-1 (Sri Lankan rights sold. All others available.)
It is now widely recognized that women are uniquely affected by war and violence; in post-conflict scenarios, however, the presence of women is almost negligible. In negotiating peace settlements, in drafting constitutions and in working for peace between conflicting groups, men far out-number women. The papers in this volume explore the multiple ways in which women relate with war and peace, assessing their participation and unravelling their potential for shaping a more stable and peaceful social structure. Taking cognizance of the large number of civilian victims of modern-day conflicts, the essays throw light on the questioning of status quo that is often most acute in times of conflict. This volume addresses the need to understand both the in-depth reality of each particular conflict site Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Japan, Ireland Yugoslavia, South Africa, the Indian subcontinent and also
the experiences of women peace-workers across these different sites in a comparative perspective. While discussing the diverse strategies used by peace-workers and their relative success or failure, it also underlines the importance of women’s participation in forging partnerships for a lasting peace.
RADHIKA COOMARASWAMY was formerly Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, Sri Lanka, and Director, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo. She was formerly the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women. She has served as a member of the Global Faculty of the New York University School of Law. |
DILRUKSHI FONSEKA has been Programme Coordinator at the Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies, Sri Lanka. Her research interests include gender and peace, justice, and international peace-keeping. |