MINDING OUR LIVES: Women from the South and North Reconnect Ecology and Health Vandana Shiva (Ed.) Rs 160 Hb 1994 81-85107-51-3 (UK, USA rights sold. All others available.)
The contemporary crisis of survival has compelled us to reject the notion of an insular divide between the environment and our bodies. Environmental hazards are health hazards, as demonstrated by Bhopal, Chernobyl, Love Canal and other disasters, and they are also health hazards in food systems. Pesticides pollute fields, and our bodies, while the destruction of biodiversity impoverishes nature and society. This book addresses the cultural and political roots of the ecological crisis and the crisis in health; the link between environmental degradation and women’s health; and between ecological breakdown and social breakdown; the impact of new technologies on women’s health and ecological stability, and the strategies that women, and men, are using to respond to violence against nature and the related violence against women. With contributions from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, New
Zealand, the Philippines, the U S and Canada.
VANDANA SHIVA is a world-renowned environmental thinker and activist, and a leader in the International Forum on Globalization along with Ralph Nader and Jeremy Rifkin. She is Director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, and the author of many books including Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development in India (1988), The Violence of the Green Revolution (1990), Ecology and the Politics of Survival (1991), Stolen Harvest (2000), and Patents: Myths and Reality (2001). |