RISKY BODIES AND TECHNO-INTIMACY REFLECTIONS ON SEXUALITY, MEDIA, SCIENCE, FINANCE Geeta Patel Rs 795 Pb 2017 Hb pp.386 ISBN: 978-81-88965-94-6 All rights available
Risky Bodies & Techno-Intimacy traverses the technologically mediated intimacies that people fashion as they grapple with the radical uncertainties that inhabit their lives. Elusive snarls and double binds dog the everyday. By working with materials salvaged from various genres of science, this provocative, cutting-edge book charts uncommon routes through enigmatic stalemates: political economies of cinematic archives; domesticity; lyrical temporalities; aesthetic mobilisations; and emergent financial forms. Along the way, Patel's poetic, edgy, brutal, and compassionate analyses burrow deep under the skin of habits that we hold dear, habits that breathe us into life even as they clasp us. |
GEETA PATEL is the Director of UVA in India and an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia. She has published widely on the collusive conundrums posed by bringing finance, science, sexuality and aesthetics together. She has also translated lyric and prose from Sanskrit, Urdu, Hindi and Braj, and is the author of the acclaimed, Lyrical Movements, Historical Hauntings: On Gender, Colonialism and Desire in Miraji's Urdu Poetry. She is co-editor of two journal issues that engage several of her areas of expertise: “Area Impossible” for GLQ:A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (2016), with Anjali Arondekar; and “Trust and Islamic Capital” for Society and Business Review (2016-2017) with Rula Al-Abdulrazak. Dr. Patel is currently working on three projects: the poetics of finance (historical pensions, insurance, credit, debt) and farm finance; Ismat Chughtai; and on fantasies embedded in advertising. |
… all the essays, be they about films, time, or risk, look at bodies and at intimacies in the political economy of global financial capital. The Book Review |