GOOD TIMES FOR EVERYONE: SEXUALITY QUESTIONS, FEMINIST ANSWERS Radhika Chandiramani Rs 200 Pb 2008 81-88965-48-0 (All rights available)
This anthology is an absolutely invaluable compilation of questions and answers on the most commonly experienced sexuality-related concerns. Based on the author's highly popular column, 'Midlife Crisis' in The Asian Age, it covers all ages, all situations and conditions, and believes firmly that everyone has a right to self-affirming and enjoyable sexuality. It is a resource for people who are for information, but don't know where to start, for those who are confused about what they already know, those who are about to begin their sexual lives, those who might be bored with theirs, those wanting to know how to have safer sex, and those simply wanting to know more. Based on the most current and accurate information available to date, you can read it for fun or for knowledge |
RADHIKA CHANDIRAMANI is a clinical psychologist, and works and writes on issues of sexuality, sexual and reproduction health and rights. Based in New Delhi, she is Executive Director of TARSHI, the South and Southeast Asia resources Centre on Sexuality, and the co-Director of The Sexuality and Rights Institute. She co-edited Sexuality, Gender and Rights: Exploring Thoery and Practice in South and Southeast Asia (2005), edits a quarterly magazine In Plainspeak, and used to write a fortnightly column on sexuality for. The Asian Age. |