WHO REALLY FEEDS THE WORLD? Vandana Shiva Rs 300 Pb 2017 978-93-85606-10-6
Who Really Feeds the World? According to Vandana Shiva, the answer to this question lies, first, in dismantling the myths that surround the industrial mode of food production which relies heavily on chemical inputs and seed monopolies; and then examining the costs and benefits of monocultures vs. biodiversity; soil depletion vs. soil regeneration; sustainable agriculture vs. cash-cropping; localisation vs. globalisation; and co-operative farming vs. corporate profit. In this succinct and clear-eyed assessment of the world's current food crisis, Shiva contends that food and agriculture have become the sites for major paradigm wars and caught in the cross-fire between small producers and corporate giants, are the one billion people in the world who suffer from hunger and malnutrition; and the thousands afflicted with diseases caused by toxins in our food. She advocates a powerful alternative to this scenario: reclaiming the right to food security through sustainable practises that value biodiversity and seed sovereignty, and creating a future in which no one goes hungry.
VANDANA SHIVA is a world-renowned environmental thinker and activist, a leader in the International Forum on Globalisation, and of the Slow Food Movement. Director of Navdanya and of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology, and a tireless crusader for farmers', peasants' and women's rights, she is the author and editor of a score of influential books, among them Making Peace with the Earth, Soil Not Oil, Globalization's New Wars and Seed Sovereignty, Food Security: Women in the Vanguard. Shiva is the recipient of over 20 international awards, among them the Save the World Award |