NEVER DONE AND POORLY PAID: WOMEN'S WORK IN GLOBALISING INDIA Jayati Ghosh Rs 250 Hb 2009 81-88965-44-8 (All rights available)
Over the past one decade the Indian economy has been thrown open to market processes, both national and international. Associated with this are the privatisation of state assets; a reduction in crucial government investment in infrastructure; deregulation and tax benefits to domestic and multinational capital; and trade liberalisation. Belying the triumphal chant of unprecedented “growth”, is the fact that formal sector employment remains depressed. For women, especially, the problem of access to productive work is acute. They are increasingly drawn into exploitative home-based, or service-sector labour, making for insecure incomes and economic distress. This cogently argued monograph discusses the long-term effects of globalisation on women’s employment, health and nutrition, physical security and
vulnerability to escalating social violence. |
JAYATI GHOSH is Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has taught at several universities in India and abroad, and served as part-time adviser and consultant to many governmental and international organisations. Among other books, she has co-authored (with C.P. Chandrasekhar) Crisis as a Conquest: Learning from East Asia; The Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India; Work and Well-being in the Age of Finance and Tracking the Macroeconomy She was the principal author of the West Bengal Human Development Report,2004 which received the 2005 UNDP Award for excellence in analysis. |